Wonderful Support

My connection with EndED came about by chance, I was desperate and exhausted, trying to navigate my way around just how to deal with a loved one with an eating disorder, and by chance I was given a mobile number to call, which I did and attended my first EndEd meeting where I was introduced to amazing group of very accepting, non judgmental people. I have been a member of EndED for a couple of years now.. and without this wonderful support I truly cannot say were I would be today. It was about 4-5 months after my daughter was diagnosed, and to be honest I am struggling to remember the time line.. that’s now become an acceptable state of mind, forgetfulness! Someone at an EndEd meeting told me ‘futigue equals forgetfulness’, and after hearing this I stopped beating myself up about not being able to remember the simplest of things. That is one very small example of how being part of this wonderful organisation has helped me. That may sound very insignificant to most, but members of this group understand. It is incredible to think EndEd is a group of individuals that have come together with an invested interest in the wellbeing of their loved ones and those that a suffering this life changing illness. Through the connections I have made within EndEd I have been able to find the strength to keep on going and to be a better carer for my loved one and learn so much from others that have walked this path before me and my loved one. It has helped me to hang on to hope and determination, and give me strength, because this illness calls for it all. Some days, weeks and months can be very tough, and I mean tough, nothing like you have ever dealt with in your life before, and the connections made at EndEd provide the support and openness required to deal with this journey we are faced with. EndEd is a group of caring people that are from all walks of life, because this illness is not discriminative, it can be present in the most unsuspecting and it is through sharing experiences and ideas and understandings that has been the difference of this group as compared with with medical, text book style of treatment. I have learn’t there is not just one treatment available and that all sufferers are different and respond differently to all sorts of treatments. After becoming a member of EndEd I felt I was no longer alone and there are other families out there that are struggling, and some more so than I, and some less, but I no longer felt like it was just me dealing with this life changing experience, I stopped feeling so alone, and there was a life outside of being a 24/7 carer and that for just one evening a fortnight I could drop the guard and speak openly about what I was experiencing and at times laugh again. How much I look forward to the next meeting, some weeks that meeting could not come quick enough, just to be able to share and talk to others that understood. It is not just the support of other carers that is so valuable at EndEd but the wealth of knowledge from everyday people and then there are the professionals that come and go who offer an option or alternative to treatment and advice that might just work for your loved one. I have met some wonderful people and interesting people and each one of them I can thank for giving me the strength to tackle the next day. The value within this group is very comprehensive, and I have been fortunate enough to talk and learn from people that have recovered from an eating disorder to better understand what the challenges an ED sufferer is faced with. This is where the strength of this group ignites, the diversity, support and understanding is remarkable.

Our Valued
1000 Club Members

Our endED 1000 Club Member monthly contributions help support our lived experience endED support team members.

FC Lawyers

Our Valued
150 Club Members

Our endED 150 Club Member monthly contributions help support our lived experience endED support team members.

Royal Lubricants The Siera Group Universal Law The AH Team Abacus Group Mosaic Property Group Mosaic Constructions The Post Office Bar Inology Australia Heyman Produce Suncoast Concrete Repairs Unity Partners Mosaic Property Management Bentleys - Sunshine Coast Lancini Group Locaters Utility Services Merthy Law BCS Broking McGrath Real Estate Soil Health Solutions

Each day we meet and honour the land in which we gather. Here on the land of the Kabi Kabi and Jinibara Peoples. We would like to acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We pledge our ongoing solidarity with the traditional owners and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in their struggle for recognition of sovereignty, historical truths and justice.